Best Chiropractor Cairns
Text neck is a commonly used expression for a repetitive strain injury, However, it is not a medical diagnosis.
Text neck occurs when excessive computer use, texting, or mobile devices are the primary cause of neck dysfunction.
Symptoms of text neck, include pain in the neck, upper back, and shoulders.
The pain may be localised and range from general aching to intense pain and a stabbing feeling.
Neck, chest, and upper back muscles become deconditioned resulting in rounding of the shoulders and forward head posture, leading to reduced mobility in neck and shoulders. Headaches may occur due to the tightness of muscles at the base of the skull and neck.
Best Chiropractor Cairns contact Chiropractor Cairns. 4031 0480.
Text Neck or RSI (repetitive strain injury) are terms that refer to a number of conditions that may be related to forceful exertions, repetitive activities, mechanical compression, vibrations, repetitive eccentric contractions, or sustained or awkward positions. The exact language is contentious, but the terms are currently employed by the National Institute (US) of Occupational Safety and Health and the Department of Labor in the US for musculoskeletal disorders that are work-related.
A general global increase in the Text Neck of the shoulder, arms, hands and, the neck has been attributed to the widespread usage in the workplace of keyboards associated with the increased use of computers in the 1970s. These keyboards needed lengthy periods of repetitive motions in a fixed posture. Extremely high or low temperatures have also been reported to be a risk factor for Text Neck.
Workers in some specific areas are in danger of Text Neck. Most injuries in the workplace are musculoskeletal disorders, and many of these are brought on by cumulative injury as opposed to one event. For instance, poultry workers and miners are required to sustain a protracted posture within a work shift or require repeated moves that can result in skeletal, muscular, and tendon injuries. Occupations that involve repetitive motion patterns or, that can be repetitive. Younger athletes’ underdeveloped musculoskeletal system predisposes them to the Text Neck.
Psychosocial Aspects
Factors like workplace difficulties or personality differences. Particular employees may dislike their job or organization because of long hours, high work rates, reduced social support, and limited or no job control. Previous studies show higher stress-related chemicals or urinary catecholamines in employees with Text Neck. Pain related to Text Neck may become chronic pain syndrome over time, particularly for workers who don’t have support from managers or co-workers.
Non-occupational factors
Gender and age are significant risk factors for Text Neck. Age certainly increases the risk of Text Neck. Women are more prone to Text Neck than men because of their decreased stamina, lower muscle mass, smaller frames, and endocrine influences. In addition, alcohol consumption and smoking are familiar risk factors for Text Neck. Recent scientific findings suggest that diabetes and obesity may predispose someone to Text Neck by producing a chronic and low-grade inflammatory response that prevents your system from efficiently repairing damaged tissues.
Text Neck or RSI (repetitive strain injury) refer to various conditions that may be connected to powerful physical efforts, repeated activities, mechanical compression, vibrations, recurring eccentric contractions, or continual or uncomfortable placements. The precise language is controversial, but the terms are presently utilized by the National Institute (United States) of Occupational Safety and Health and the Division of Labor in the United States for work-related musculoskeletal problems.
For more information, please get in touch with Chiropractor Cairns. 4031 0480. Conveniently located in the heart of Cairns.